Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3), and like any gift from God, He wants us to receive them with thankful hearts and responsible stewardship. We are happy and eager to come alongside you to assist and equip you as we seek to “raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” We believe that every child is “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and created in the image of Christ to “glorify and enjoy Him forever.” From the time your child enters our ministry, he or she will be shown the love of Christ, taught the gospel, and instructed in the inerrant truths of the Bible.
Even the youngest child can know the love of Christ. That’s why it’s never too early to intentionally share the message of God’s love with our children. Trinity has a long tradition in nurturing and growing children in Christ. Our prayer for every child is that they never remember a day they didn’t know Jesus as their Savior and follow Him as their Lord.
Children are members of the Church, and Jesus reminds us that we have a special responsibility to nurture them in the Church (Matthew 19:14). And while they have not yet made a public profession of their faith, they still have a special place at Trinity. We believe that the Church and the parents must work together to help them grow toward mature, Christian adulthood.
We nurture children from infancy through 5th grade as they develop in their faith and grow into disciples of Jesus Christ through age and developmentally appropriate environments and activities.
Developed in 1963, the Children’s Memory Work has been used by many other Churches around the country. It gained such popularity that it was eventually published by the Presbyterian Church in America for use with its denomination-wide Sunday School Curriculum. If children complete all their Memory Work from beginning to end (three years old through fifth grade), they will have memorized 120 Bible verses, 145 Catechism answers, The Lord’s Prayer, The Doxology, Names of the Twelve Apostles, The Gloria Patri, Books of the Bible, The Apostles’ Creed, the Beatitudes, and the Ten Commandments. Children who complete their grade-level memory work will be given a special award on Promotion Sunday.
Memory Work can be found by clicking the “Age-Specific Memory Work” button below and selecting your child’s Sunday School class.
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