The plan is to reach every “nation” with the good news of Jesus Christ. The word “nations” here is the Greek word ethnae which means “nations” or “people groups.”
A “nation” or “people group” is an ethno-linguistic group with a common self-identity that is shared by the members. There are two parts to that word: ethno and linguistic. Language is a primary and dominant identifying factor of a people group, but a historically common culture is integral to their identity, too. So, when God looks at the world, He does not divide the world into geo-political countries, but into ethno-linguistic people groups.
Richard and TC both grew up in Alabama. They moved to Louisiana in 1991, where Richard pastored for twenty-one years. On a visit to Perth, Australia, in 2007, Richard and TC were deeply burdened by the urgent need for trained pastors in the churches of Western Australia. In 2012 they moved to Perth. Richard is a church planter at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Perth. Indian, Chinese, Malay, Samoan, Sri Lankan, and Anglo Aussies all join for worship on Sunday mornings at RPC, and the church is growing in both numbers and maturity. It is truly a fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to bring blessings upon all the nations. RPC is currently working with a developer to build a church building. Richard is also Country Director for MTW Australia, and TC works part-time as an ER nurse.
Join us each Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. for Breakfast with a missionary! Each week, we will meet with our Missionary of the Week over Zoom, get updates on their mission, and discuss any special prayer requests that they may have.
Also, feel free to join us in person in the John Knox room! Breakfast provided.
After careful study of the scriptures, we believe that God’s mission for TPC is: To make Christ known to our neighbors and the nations, building His disciples, establishing His church.
Faithful to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ so that all peoples come to know Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord in the fellowship of His church.
Attempt great things for God in response to His leading and taking risk by faith in Him for the sake of His kingdom.
Involving the whole of congregational life in the work of the Great Commission as an equipping and sending church.
Directing our efforts intentionally for greatest impact and congregational fit.
Collaborating with and through like-minded ministries to fulfill the Great Commission.
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