The registration deadline is March 1, 2025. All payments will be due at that time.
Registration: All students are required to register with Trinity Church AND directly with RYM. We will contact you when your registration with RYM is due.
Waivers: All students must fill out and return a permission slip and waiver to Trinity Church before leaving for RYM. Please click here for the RYM High School Waiver. Please click here for the RYM Middle School Waiver.
1. Is there financial assistance available? Yes, don’t let money stop you from coming! Please click here to apply for scholarship assistance. Scholarship assistance is open to members and non-members of Trinity.
2. Can my student invite a friend? Yes, absolutely!
3. What activities are offered at RYM? Swimming (multiple pools & open ocean), Gaga Ball, Spike Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Ping Pong, Kan Jam, Sand Soccer, Card Games, Various Group Building Games, Paddle Boarding/Kayaking*. *Activity requires additional payment and is contingent upon weather.
4. When can I register for elective classes? We will let you know once registration for elective classes becomes available.
5. Is there a packing list available? Yes! Please click here to view the packing list for High School. Please click here to view the packing list for Middle School.
For additional information, please visit the RYM website by clicking here.
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