Our goal is to reach middle school and high school students for Christ and equip them for a life of service to Him.
Our ministry is covenantal in that our primary aim is to minister to the students of this congregation. Our first priority is not to evangelize students outside of TPC, but to minister to the students God has given us.
Our ministry is incarnational. Just as Jesus came to dwell among us, we aim to be among our students. Whether it’s taking a student to breakfast, coming to eat lunch at their school, attending their sporting events or watching them sing in the school musical, we aim to be in the lives of our students. We want to earn the right to be heard by showing our students we care for them.
Our ministry is scriptural in that we aim to help our students develop a biblical world and life view so that every aspect of their lives is interpreted through the lens of God’s revealed will in His Word. Our primary avenue for this growth is Sunday school.
Our ministry is discipleship-oriented in that we aim to see our students become mature Christians rooted and grounded in grace. Our approach is people-based not program based. High profile events and “spiritual highs” are fine, but we aim to see students grow consistently and steadily in their walk with the Lord. Our primary avenue for this growth is small group and one-on-one ministries.
Our ministry is means of grace based. We aim to see our students grow in love and appreciation for the preached word, the sacraments and a life of prayer. These are the foundation of Christian growth. Our hope is that our students would participate in the whole of church life, from worship and service to fellowship and evangelism.
Our ministry is parental. The best “youth ministry” occurs between godly parents and their student. We aim not to be a substitute for parental discipleship but to complement and encourage our parents as they nurture their students
Our ministry is enabling. We have talented students, young people that excel in music, leadership, relationships and organization. Our aim is to give students opportunities to exercise and grow their gifts for the edification of the body of Christ.
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